For Therapists
As therapists, we take care of ourselves so we can show up for others. You may wonder why the strategies you teach others don't seem to work for you. Sure you're a mental health provider, but you are also a person. You have a brain, a body, a heart, and a soul. You can ache, you can experience joy, and you deserve to have someone to walk with you the way you walk with others.
Hello, I'm Caroline Artley and I am Sojourn Well's founder and therapist-for-therapists. It is common for my therapist-clients to feel concerned about showing up to the same professional event or having collegial overlaps. For this reason, I like to provide you with some professional settings where I might be found so you can compare to the settings you and your colleagues frequent:
Once we are working together, we will begin constructing your own therapeutic space. Some therapist-clients want to leave their mental health KSA's out and others want to engage with it during their sessions. I will ask you if you have a preference, then we will dialogue about what it is you are seeking to accomplish, and come up with the road map you would like to follow. As with all clients, you and I construct that space together, and with therapists as clients, I welcome your insight into how you would like to tailor our work.
I regularly participate in Maryland-based peer supervision groups for Complex PTSD and Perinatal Mental Health, as well as the international Brainspotting with Parts Work peer supervision group. I'm a founding, active member of Rooted Counselor Network (a collaboration of Baltimore-metropolitan Christian mental health professionals). As a Brainspotting Consultant, I assist at several training events each year. If you participate in Brainspotting training, you may see me there. I also read and contribute to email listservs and professional Facebook groups, and recently began co-moderating duties for the Therapist Network Listserv. Feel free to talk with me about any possible professional connections we may share, and how we can ensure your privacy is safely guarded.